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New To Dentures? Here’s What to Expect

August 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sdentalnj @ 3:27 am
Pair of dentures on a table

Getting dentures for the first time is a significant change in both appearance and function. As you adjust, you might experience a mix of emotions and physical sensations. Understanding what to expect in the first month can ease the transition and help you adapt more comfortably.

Initial Discomfort and Soreness

In the first few days or weeks with dentures, it’s common to feel discomfort or soreness in your gums. Your mouth is adjusting to the presence of a foreign object, which may cause irritation in certain spots. Over time, your gums will toughen up, and the discomfort should lessen. To alleviate any pain, your dentist may recommend rinsing with salt water or using a denture adhesive. Frequent follow-up visits are crucial during this period to adjust your dentures as your gums heal and shrink slightly.

Adjusting to Speech and Eating

Speaking and eating with dentures can feel awkward initially. You may notice a slight lisp or have difficulty pronouncing certain words as your tongue and muscles get accustomed to the new structure in your mouth. Practicing speaking aloud and repeating challenging words will help you adjust. Eating is another challenge—start with soft foods and gradually move to harder textures. Cutting food into smaller pieces and chewing slowly can reduce discomfort and help prevent your dentures from shifting while eating.

Maintenance and Care

Proper denture care is vital, especially during the first month. You’ll need to remove and clean them daily to prevent plaque buildup, which can cause bad breath or gum infections. Soaking them overnight in a denture cleanser keeps them fresh, and brushing them carefully will remove any food particles. Your gums also need care—gently massaging them can stimulate blood flow and promote healing. Regular visits to your dentist will ensure that your dentures fit well and are in good condition.

About the Author

Dr. Aliana Henkin has been in dentistry for nearly 20 years, and in that time she’s learned that her patients need more than cold, clinical dentistry. That’s why she endeavors to be someone that her patients can truly rely on, giving them the knowledge and tools they need to keep their teeth in good condition. Dr. Henkin received her dental degree from the Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, and studies extensively to keep up with her field.

If you have any questions about your new dentures, she can be reached at her website or by phone at (973) 949-0925.

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